Another superb Reid Miles cover design. Highly recommended album.

This is actually my first album with Dexter Gordon as a leader and it’s a great one. Been after a couple of Dexter albums before, “Go” for example, but never pulled the trigger. So I’m happy to have added this title to the collection. Recorded in 1964 in Paris. Gordon lived in Europe for an extended period of time. The album features fellow Americans Donald Byrd on trumpet, Kenny Drew on piano and Art Taylor on drums. The double bass is played by Niels-Henning Ørsted Pedersen and he’s Danish.

The over 18 minute long tune “Tanya” kicks off the album and it’s nothing short of superb. Very bluesy, swaying, and contains a wonderful solo by Gordon. He just plays from the heart and it seems to last forever. Very nice. Byrd then plays an inspiring solo as well. The two other tunes are great too. Gordon was a master when it came to playing the ballad and shows that here on the sweet “Darn That Dream“. Beautiful stuff.

Haven’t focused a lot on Dexter Gordon in the past. I’ve listened a bit to his albums but not much at all. One Flight Up really leaves me with a sense that I want to explore Gordon a lot more in depth. All of his Blue Note releases first and foremost maybe. I’ve listened to some of them and they are very enjoyable.

Question: Maybe you can give me some hot tips on some of your favorite Dexter Gordon albums?

Been on a real Blue Note kick lately and I’m happy to have been able to add several new titles to the collection. Some really good stuff in the 4000 series. And a landmark title in the 1500 series as well. Stay tuned for those. Have several albums from other labels as well that I haven’t posted, and I’ll maybe try and mix them in between all the new Blue Notes.

Summer is a beautiful season here in Sweden and the warmth and sunshine is really making life a bit easier. Vacation time is coming up soon as well so it’s all good. Have a great rest of the week, cheers!